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Work/Life Balance

Public·22 members

The importance of collaborating in work/life balance.

When I first started graduate school three years ago, I wanted to be as productive as a human being could be. By working non-stop, 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, for the first three months, I ended up not achieving much more than my colleagues were by working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I felt like Superman for a while, I could take an endless load of work as I was (still am) passionate about my research topic.

I realized how unhealthy that was when one day, at my parent's place, I could not even enjoy a glass of wine and listen to what my family was talking about without thinking about my experiments instead. It was hard to admit, but I was close to a «passionate» burn-out.

After taking a 2-weeks leave following that realization, I started asking myself: What if I ask my supervisor for an intern to help me with the projects? Since then, I have had interns every two semesters or so, and work couldn't be more enriching and fun! Things are moving well and teaching interns about science and critical thinking is an amazing way to grow-up in grad school.

Don't burn yourself, passion is not something that comes easy to most people, so try not to lose it :) It's okay to acknowledge that you have too much on your plate and ask for help! Not only will you end up with a much better work/life balance, but you will be teaching yourself a good lesson.

Sruthi Sunili
Min Ya (Minya)


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